Ready to up-level your team’s superpowers?

Strengths Coaching is for the healthcare team wanting to maximize impact – working as effectively as possible, having more fun along the way.

More flow, less friction.

How well do you know your team? What motivates each team member? Are the right people in the right roles?  

Through our unique and impactful CliftonStrengths-based coaching we discover the talents of your team, what they need to be their best, and why they do what they do. We explore innovative ways to engage, motivate, and work better together through fun, interactive exercises.

The Logistics:


    • Kick-off Session with the whole team where we build awareness around individual & collective strengths.


    • 1-on-1 sessions with each team member over the next 3 months for personal strengths coaching & maximizing – highest recommendation is 3 sessions per team member:

      • Session 1: Exploration & Strategic Planning

      • Session 2: Follow-up & Troubleshooting

      • Session 3: What's next? Future-state Strategic Planning

    • 1-on-1 session with team lead focused on elevating personal strengths as well as understanding & leveraging the team’s strengths and how to lead each team member best.


    • Next-steps Planning Session with the team to discuss learnings, road blocks & next steps to cultivate a strengths-based culture within the team and organization as a whole.

This recommendation is based on the research (& anecdotal learnings from working with thousands of humans) that behavior change takes time, strategic design, collaborative partnership, and ample accountability.

The Kick-off is a great introduction with plenty of ah-ha's and collective discovery and is a great team-building & development experience. However, it is in the 1-on-1 coaching that each employee mobilizes those learnings and makes them highly-personal. It is with the addition of 1-on-1 coaching that teams see the biggest, sustainable shifts. The Next-steps Planning Session is for the teams that are really invested in making strengths a core part of their culture and are ready for the next commitments to fortify this.

What is CliftonStrengths?

Gallup research demonstrates people are more successful when they focus on what they do best. By identifying their natural talents and developing them into strengths, people are more productive, engaged and happier. 

The Gallup CliftonStrengths™ assessment is the first step in helping people discover their talents. CliftonStrengths results give people a way to develop and communicate their unique combination of talents, skills, and knowledge—collectively known as strengths.


People who know and use their Strengths every day are 3 times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life.


Teams who receive Strengths feedback have 15% lower turnover.


People using their Strengths every day are 6 times as likely to be engaged in their jobs.

Strengths Coaching for Teams is for:

  • Physicians

  • Healthcare Executives

  • Healthcare Administration

  • Nurses

  • Managers & Supervisors

  • High-Achieving Practitioners






Let me put my strengths to work to help you discover & maximize yours.

Schedule a Connection Call & see what’s possible with the right support.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. This is a chemistry call – opportunity for me to hear your story & needs and an opportunity for you to learn more about coaching, get your questions answered, and feel me out.